Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Sierra Vista, AZ & Naco, Sonora, MX (6/27 & 7/8/2020)

Not much travel during this time period, due to the coronavirus shut-down and my staying busy with furniture shopping and following progress on my new house.  It still looks like a late August completion and I am looking forward to the big day.

While I continue to go out for the occasional spectacular sunset, I don't want to overload you with too many of those photos.  However, one particular sunset was accompanied by a rainbow so large it wouldn't fit within a single camera frame, so I'll use two photos to show it all.

Soon the rainbow was replaced by beautiful color in the storm clouds.

Finally, after the sun went below the horizon, the whole western sky lit up.

Having heard from several people about high quality, low cost dental services in Mexico, I decided to give it a try.  My appointment to have my teeth cleaned was today, and I'm pleased with the outcome.  Savings aren't that great on routine procedures, but can be substantial for more complex treatment.  So, while making my first trip to Naco, in the Mexican state of Sonora, I took the opportunity to look around the town.  Small as it is, I saw most of it in half and hour or so.  While it has its share of dilapidated buildings, I found it to be somewhat cleaner than Palomas, which I visited in January.  In particular, the dentist's office was very clean and modern, so I felt very comfortable being treated there.

Most of these photos were taken along the main street, named for former revolutionary and president Francisco Madera.  I've tried to show the variety and color of the buildings there.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic church is also located on that same street.  I wanted to go inside, but the door was locked.  I guess that's not surprising when you see bars on the windows of almost every building.

Back on the U.S. side, the Arizona town of Naco is even smaller.  The most noteworthy feature I saw there is what's left of Fort Naco, built in 1910 when we were frequently at odds with Mexico.  Although the fort has changed hands several times and efforts made to restore it, still it sits there crumbling with each passing day.


  1. Loved the sunset .. yes dental is quite good in Mexico .. but I can't believe you actually went during this time . it's one of the worst things to do on any covid do-not-do list . . we were in the Arizona area and went down to Los Algodones

    1. Que sera, sera.

      I've been to Algodones and know folks who had dental work done there. However, Naco is much closer and I had also heard good things about the dentist there.
