Friday, September 24, 2021

Sierra Vista, AZ - Summer, 2021

 I'm interrupting the 2004 Re-runs to return to real time.  I'm currently traveling in the Eastern Sierra of California, but first I'd like to share some of the activities around Sierra Vista this summer.

 My local travel has been mostly confined to the Huachuca Mountains and the several canyons there.  This is a premier birding destination, but there is also some worthwhile scenery.  First up, Garden Canyon in the Fort Huachuca Army Base.  As a result of summer rains, the creek through the canyon was flowing strongly, and the fields below the canyon were not only green but covered with wildflowers.

I made a quick stop at one of the pictograph sites, just because I had not been there for a while.  These were left by Apaches and are unlike any others I have seen.

Miller Canyon also showed the effects of the rainy season, much the same as Garden Canyon.

All these day trips provided lots of birding opportunities, as well.


  1. Love the flowers . . glad to hear you're back on the road

  2. Almost had to check the comments to see if it had been me .. identical . . love the flowers
