Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Southwest Colorado, April & May, 2019

Since returning from my Arizona trip, I've had a lot to do around home and so had limited travel, staying within short distances of Montrose.  In those local trips, I have taken a few photos to share with you. 

In Ridgway one evening, the setting sun threw some nice light on the surrounding mountains. The scene across the pasture appealed to me, it was relaxed and comfortable as the grazing horses. In the Cimarron Range, Chimney Rock and Courthouse Mountain stand out from the rest.

The Sneffels Range dominates the view to the South.  It struck me that the cattle that graze this pasture have the best view of all.

Mt. Sneffels, over 14,000 feet above sea level, is reflected in this small pond.

On a trip to Delta, a few birds posed nicely for me.
Red-winged Blackbird

House Sparrow

Back in Montrose, I watched the full moon rise over the adobe hills and Black Canyon.

Returning from grocery shopping one day, I impulsively decided to photograph some of the colorful Spring blooming shrubs and  trees.  Since I still don't know all the Colorado plants, I'll refrain from naming any of these.

While there haven't been many nice sunsets this Spring, I did catch a few, and there was even a rainbow one evening.

And a few more birds from the countryside around Montrose.
House Finch

Brown-headed Cowbird

Bullock's Oriole
Bullock's Oriole

In Shavano Valley, I spotted a nice waterfall, but I couldn't get close to it since it was on private property.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you back posting . loved the variety of photos . especially the Mt. Sneffels reflection photo, the beautiful blooming shrubs and trees, and of course . . the sunsets . I'm not much of a birder .. but you certainly do have a knack for capturing them in photos .
