Monday, March 25, 2019

Apache Junction & Mesa, AZ (3/8 &3/9/2019)

Good sunsets have been sporadic during this time frame.  Some days there are no clouds, some days so many clouds they block the sun.  A few have been spectacular.  But, I have been persistent in going out most evenings to record any good light there is.

Driving the back roads around Apache Junction gave me some nice views of mountains and smaller rock formations.

As Spring has progressed, wildflowers have pleasured us with an outstanding bloom, which is mostly attributable to the hurricane than came out of Mexico several months ago and dropped lots of rain on Southern Arizona at the right time.  Nice little showers since have also helped. 

I wanted to visit the Mormon temple in Mesa, but learned it is currently undergoing renovation.  Since it is the oldest temple in Arizona, built in 1927, some modernization seems appropriate.  Further, the grounds are being completely re-done with more trees to provide additional shade, which will be appreciated in the hotter months.  Existing trees and shrubs have been containerized and stored across the street to be re-used.  The original visitor centered was demolished so the land could be used for the city's light rail system.  A new, and much larger, center is being constructed on a larger site, which I assume the city gave in exchange for the needed right-of-way.  When the project is completed, there will be an "open house" period, just like is done for new temples.

A nearby community garden caught my attention, so I paid it a visit.  It is primarily a place for neighborhood residents to plant herbs and vegetables for their own consumption.  How cool is that?  The person/persons who manage the facility have planted flowers to beautify the area, along with some very attractive murals.

On the way back to Apache Junction, my day was brightened when I saw a 1957 Ford Thunderbird that looked show room new.

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