Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Silverton & Corkscrew Gulch, CO (10/3/2018)

After crossing Red Mountain Pass, I took a turn into the valley formed by South Mineral Creek.  This is a popular area in summer, with several nice campgrounds and beautiful views.  At this time, however, very few campers were there, but the views were spectacular.

In Silverton, the town was crowded due to Durango & Silverton passengers.  The train does more business in the fall than any other time.  At lunch, I had to share a table but the green chile cheeseburger was well worth it.  I decided to return home over the mountain trails, stopping first in Velocity Basin, then traversing the Red Mountains via Corkscrew Gulch.  With much of this route above treeline, there wasn't much color until getting back to a more moderate elevation.

Since then, weather here has been cloudy and rainy most days, so I haven't ventured out.  Now I'm planning a trip soon, so we'll see what that brings.


  1. Can't wait to see where you're headed next..... ;) So fun!!!!

    1. Hi Becky, Starting in St. George for a week or so, not sure where after that. NV or AZ, lots to do there.

  2. If you haven't been there .. check out the dinosaur working museum . it's small but interesting as they've built the building around the tracks and bones ..
